Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Today I bought a chalkboard.  I've been on the lookout for one because I like making lists: to-do lists; grocery lists; packing lists; lists of topics I feel the need to google.  I also don't keep a planner or calendar of any sort, so sometimes I make lists of reminders: dates of events, appointments, birthdays, etc.  But only if I feel my memory won't serve me well.

I'm really excited about my chalkboard. 

I'm not a "neat freak," but I hate it when I find old to-do lists lying around, especially if I neglected to cross off items after their completion, and even more so if I realize that I never even did one or two items on a list that is a month old.  Now I have a fully eraseable list.  There is no chance of it piling up on my end table; it will never turn into a cat toy, and end up swatted under the sofa only to end up as a point of attachment for dust bunnies.

And, it's in plain site.  I can study my list as I make coffee.  I can jot the ingredients down for a new recipe.  I can doodle, which I sometimes do when I think.  I won't waste paper. 

This is fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. You could even draw a picture of a dog on it and keep it there for 15 years. Yes, we still have that chalkboard!
